3 Jun

Carney plots cautious rate path


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

Jeremy Torobin Globe and Mail  

Mark Carney is taking a cautious approach to raising interest rates, weighing Canada’s powerful economic rebound against the uncertainty of an “increasingly uneven” recovery across the globe.

The Bank of Canada Governor became the first central banker in the Group of Seven to raise borrowing costs since the financial crisis and recession, increasing the benchmark overnight rate Tuesday by one-quarter of a percentage point to a still exceptionally low 0.5 per cent.

Policy makers will keep an eye on Europe’s troubles, and won’t move more aggressively than they see fit, the Bank of Canada suggested, even though the economy is rebounding rapidly and inflation will likely exceed its 2-per-cent target this year. Much like in 2008 when the U.S. financial crisis pulled Canada into recession, the country’s economic health depends in large part on policy makers in other countries successfully containing homemade problems.

“Interest rates are incredibly low, given the strength of the domestic economy, but the global story is where it’s at right now,” Eric Lascelles, chief economic strategist at TD Securities in Toronto, said in an interview. “The level of uncertainty suggests there’s not a lot of confidence in the forecasts.’’ The open-ended nature of the announcement sparked a fall in the Canadian dollar and yields on two-year government bonds as investors pulled back their bets on what they had expected might be a series of uninterrupted rate hikes going forward.

3 Jun

Outrunning the bear market


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

By Alexandra Twin, senior writer
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Provided by CNN Money

After the Dow’s worst May in 70 years, the threat of the stock correction becoming a full-blown bear market has intensified.

But this isn’t new territory for long-term investors. They’ve faced this precipice 29 times since World War II, according to Standard & Poor’s chief investment strategist Sam Stovall.

In 17 cases, they’ve avoided seeing a correction (a decline of at least 10% off the highs) turn into a bear market (a decline of at least 20% off the highs).

In 12 cases, they weren’t so lucky. And in three of those 12 cases it became what Stovall calls a “mega meltdown,” or a decline of 40% or more. In fact, the 2008-2009 stock market bloodletting sent the S&P 500 crashing 57% from an all-time high to a 12-year low.

But as the correction vs. bear market debate continues, what seems to be critical, at least on the technical side, is that the selling not surpass 15%. Historically, if that happens, the correction will become a bear market.

So far this current correction has avoided that 15%. At its worst, the S&P 500 was down 12.3% off the highs. As of Tuesday’s close, the S&P 500 was down 12% from the highs.

But hovering below the 15% mark doesn’t mean the selling is over by any means.

“We don’t know if the market direction is going to be up or down, but we do know it’s going to be up and down day to day,” said Randy Frederick, director of trading and derivatives at Charles Schwab.

The increased volatility increases the likelihood of more selling, particularly with the market in a mode where it retreats on both big news and a lack of news.

The threat of the European debt crisis, the weaker euro, the BP oil spill, increased tensions between North and South Korea and signs that China’s booming economy is slowing all dragged on stocks in May. But there have been numerous days in which there was little relevant news, either on the positive or negative side, and stocks sold anyway. Tuesday’s market, for example.

So correction or bear? Here’s what to consider:

Correction: If the market is in correction mode, it will probably chop around for a few months, then move higher, according to Stovall.

Of the 17 times that the correction didn’t become a bear market, stocks lost an average of 14% over a four-month period. Typically it took stocks another four months to get back to breakeven, and another four months of gains before another correction or pullback kicked in.

A pullback is considered a decline of 5% to 9.99%. They happen frequently and like corrections, are part of normal market functioning. Stovall estimates there have been more than 50 since World War II.

There were only two times (1955 and 1997) that the market “corrected,” recovered and then turned lower right away. More often, the market gets back to breakeven and then gains an average of 10%.

Bear market: S&P research shows that when a correction becomes a bear market, it tends to stretch on for 14 months and yield a decline of 33%, on average. The recovery back to zero tends to take nearly two years.

Stocks currently appear to be in a “garden variety bear market,” pushing toward a decline of 20% to 30% as the mountain of problems becomes too much for investors, according to the editors of the Stock Trader’s Almanac.

Heightened investor worry: In what could be either a bad or good sign, depending on whether you’re a contrarian, investor sentiment took a turn for the worse last week, according to the latest survey from the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII).

Bearish sentiment, or the expectation that stocks will fall over the next six months, jumped 17.2% to 50.9%, marking the highest level of pessimism in the survey since November 2009.

Also, AAII’s monthly survey showed investors pulled money out of stocks last month and reallocated it to bonds, cash or cash equivalents, reflecting global jitters and the fear of further stock erosion.

Investors held just 50.9% of their portfolios in stocks and stock funds in May, down 9.5% from April. That’s the smallest percentage in stocks since May 2009, shortly after the market bottomed. It’s also below the historical average of 60% http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/personal-finance/article/cnnmoney/outrunning-bear-market-20100602

27 May

Home foreclosures don’t add up


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

26 May

Loonie’s plunge signals long-term risk for Canadian and global economies


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

OTTAWA – The Canadian dollar plunged to its lowest level in eight months before recovering Tuesday, sending a clear signal that Europe’s debt crisis has the potential to reach across the Atlantic and impact Canada’s mending economy.

The loonie has lost about eight per cent of its value over the last month in reaction to fears in global equity and financial markets about the lasting imprint of government debt, and now a new risk — the threat of war on the Korean peninsula.

Over the weekend, the Bank of Spain had to bail out Cajasur — the second savings bank in that country to receive public money since March 2009. On Monday, four other Spanish savings banks announced plans to merge amid concerns over solvency in the sector.

Tension in Asia has also risen since last week after North Korea was accused of the sinking in March of a South Korean warship. Seoul has called for sanctions against the North.

The Canadian dollar closed down 0.94 of a cent at 93.46 cents US on Tuesday after bouncing off a low of 92.18 cents US earlier in the day.

The loonie is not alone in seeing its value eroded. Other commodity currencies have also taken a hit in the flight to dependable and liquid U.S. Treasury bills.

The short-term impact on the Canadian economy of frightened financial markets and a loonie closer to 90 cents than parity, ironically, may be mostly positive.

A weaker dollar will give a much-needed boost to manufacturers and exporters who prosper whenever they can sell their products abroad with a currency discount.

And the unsettling of financial markets has caused real interest rates to soften for mortgages and other loans. Many Canadian banks have dropped posted rates on five-year mortgages to below six per cent.

As a result, prospects that Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney will start hiking rates next Tuesday have gone from a virtual sure thing a month ago to a coin-flip today.

Export Development Canada’s chief economist, Peter Hall, welcomed the fact that the loonie’s wings have been clipped, saying that a dollar at par had the potential to take two or three points off economic growth next year — the equivalent of about $30 billion to $45 billion in output.

But the longer term implications may be that Canada’s recovery won’t go as smoothly as many had hoped. The loonie is acting as a proxy for the global economy: when the Canadian dollar is down, it means so are prospects for global expansion, say economists.

“Everything and anything that happens in the world affects Canada,” said TD Bank chief economist Don Drummond, noting Canada’s dependence on trade and on the prices of commodities it sells to the rest of the world.

The longer term outlook is that many governments, not just the poor cousins of Europe, will soon need to deal with debt burdens that cannot be sustained, and the ensuing clampdown on spending will stall the recovery.

Several economists, including David Rosenberg of Gluskin and Sheff, said the risk of a second downturn in key economies, including the United States as Washington withdraws stimulus spending, has become very real. Much like in 2008-09, Canada would become collateral damage, they said.

“For a small, open (and) commodity-sensitive economy whose entire recession in 2009 was imported from abroad and south of the border, the answer is yes,” Rosenberg said when asked whether a second dip is possible.

That still remains a minority view, although the TD’s Drummond puts the risk at about 20 per cent.

The key question is whether the European crisis is an overblown temporary crisis, or the precursor of government debt woes in the United Kingdom, the United States and other larger economies.

Scotiabank portfolio manager Andrew Pyle said he believes the fears over Europe will blow over in a matter of weeks, which will cause both oil prices and the loonie to recover to previous levels.

“I think people will be surprised to see how quickly that will happen. I wouldn’t be surprised to see us back to parity in July,” he said.

But it’s the longer-term prospects that most worries Drummond. He says the perception that the situation will stabilize if the bailout of Greece and other countries works, or that things will implode if the bailout doesn’t work, is simplistic.

“Those countries (with large debts) aren’t getting out of this any time soon . . . easy bailout or not,” he said.


25 May

Private sellers shaking up real estate industry


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

Gordon Ives is the sort of customer who keeps real estate agents awake at night: a former customer.

Last year, after several years of trying to sell his Charlottetown home through an agent, the retired banker decided to change tack and find a buyer on his own. He calculated how much a conventional sale would cost him in commissions and sliced that much off his asking price. Four months later, it sold.

Net cost to him of selling it himself: zero. Net cost to the real estate industry: about $15,000 in lost commissions – and one client who is determined never to use an agent again.

“I hate to say this because I have some family members that are agents, but it’s really not that difficult to do if you’re comfortable dealing with people,” Mr. Ives says. “This is a wave that’s starting to build, and people have to realize that change is possible.”

Agents have long looked askance at people who wanted to sell their houses on their own, but those sellers were such a small part of the market that the industry rarely worried about them. That’s changing, and fast. Facing the erosion of their business model at the hands of a Competition Bureau that is intent on opening up the industry to new players, realtors are launching campaigns from coast to coast to discourage do-it-yourselfers and position themselves as the only sane way to sell a home.

The soft sell is being done on television, with an advertisement recently launched by the Canadian Real Estate Association that tries to show all the things an agent does to help – “Need staging advice? I do that too.” The hard sell is coming in other forms, as real estate boards ratchet up the rhetoric in a bid to win private sellers back.

In Nova Scotia, for example, homeowners who put their properties up for sale without the help of an agent can expect a scary letter to land in their mailbox, making sure they understand the hazards of going it alone. The letter, which comes from the Nova Scotia Association of Realtors, warns homeowners that they are “accepting with open arms increased risk of liability, threats to you and your family’s safety.”

“Realtors protect you and your family from any ill-intended strangers that will come in to your home under the pretense of wanting to buy,” the letter advises, before it goes on to warn of lower sale prices and longer sale times.

It’s a new position for the industry, which is used to having a near-monopoly on sales in Canada. It is widely accepted that about that 90 per cent of all home sales in Canada take place through the Multiple Listing Service maintained by the country’s real estate boards and CREA.

But that number is an educated guess, because there is no database that includes both houses sold by agents and those sold privately. And as technology makes selling on your own easier than ever, there’s little doubt that the estimate is increasingly out of date.

While selling privately has always been an option for anyone willing to try their luck after reading a few books, it has been aided by the emergence of services like PropertyGuys.com, which launched in 1998.

The business is built on the assumption that every part of a real estate transaction can be handled by an industry professional for a flat fee. PropertyGuys helps link up sellers with appraisers who can set prices and lawyers who can handle paperwork. The time is right for owner-led sales to take more market share, argue the company’s founders, because technology makes it easier than ever to find information and compile databases that can help both buyers and sellers handle transactions without a lot of middlemen.

Starting out of his basement in Moncton, Ken LeBlanc built a national network of franchises that guide homeowners through the process of selling their homes. While the number of listings is minuscule (about 10,000) compared to what’s offered by real estate agents through their Multiple Listing Service (236,397 at the end of April), they say the proportion of listings that result in sales is about the same, at near 50 per cent.

“You’d be amazed how many people around the country still think it’s illegal to sell your house on your own,” he says.

For sellers, the fees range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, depending on the amount of hand-holding required, but it has been enough to push PropertyGuys to profitability. When they began selling franchises in 2005, the asking price was less than $5,000. Today, the top price is closer to $50,000, and the business has grown to include 110 franchises from coast to coast.

The biggest gains have come on the East Coast, though the company is also taking a larger share of Northern British Columbia. Ontario is a tougher market to penetrate, because the number of agents in large metro centres such as Toronto makes it initially difficult for franchises to stand out.

Kenny Singleton owns the PEI franchise, and has seen his business grow to the point that he handles about 30 per cent of all sales in Charlottetown. He’d be small player in any other part of the country – only 1,404 houses sold on the island last year. But on the island, it makes private sellers a force to be reckoned with.

His first year was the hardest. Almost every prospective customer “heard around town” that the franchise was on the brink of bankruptcy, he said. He has also had to fight for many of his listings – personal relationships run deep, and almost everyone is either related to or friends with someone who sells real estate professionally.

“That holds up for a while, but there comes a point where people realize that it doesn’t make sense to spend $20,000 to sell your house,” he said. “That’s a realization that hits people after a while, and we’ve been here a while.”

He’s convinced selling privately is a better model – and scoffs at the idea that agents will get you a better price. A house will sell at the point where buyers and sellers intersect on price. Anything else is just superficial, he says.

“If you’re looking for a two-bedroom house and I have a three-bedroom house, there’s no real estate agent in the world that will be able to close that sale,” he said. “Price is what matters, and once you agree on that, then it’s a very simple process.”

His optimism is based largely on demographics. Real estate agents on PEI tend to be middle aged or older, and growing out of touch with a younger generation that prefers online options and is more comfortable with the idea of private sales than their parents would have been.

“These kids aren’t going to use an agent,” he says. “That’s just the way this is going. The agents are older and the buyers are younger, and they’ve had the Internet their whole lives.”

Of course, real estate agents see things differently. It’s hardly a straightforward transaction, and there are significant perils to someone who makes a mistake.

“Some people don’t understand the services we provide and it’s important we help them get a better sense of the value we provide,” says Karen Edwards, president of the Nova Scotia Association of Realtors.

The problem with private sales is that you don’t know what you don’t know, says the president of the Prince Edward Island Real Estate Board. Jim Carragher insists a lot of his new business comes from private sales gone bad.

“I’m telling you that it is so terribly sad when I get that phone call at the 11th hour from someone who was trying to sell their home who suddenly realizes they have made a terrible mistake,” he says. “Their deal falls through, they already bought something unconditionally. I try to help, but I tell you sometimes it’s just too late to undo the damage.”

25 May



Posted by: Steven Brouwer

In a worrying replay of the crisis of 2008 and 2009, lending rates in Canadian credit markets continued to react to the growing turmoil over European debt, with key overnight bank lending spreads doubling since February.

“We are starting to see interbank lending rates back up again and that’s an unfortunate development,” said Doug Porter, deputy chief economist at BMO Capital Markets. “We are starting to see investors shun any kind of risky trade again, whether corporate bonds or equities. We are seeing risk aversion right across the board.”

While Canada has only modest direct exposure to troubled European countries, like other major economies it is feeling the indirect impact of turmoil in global financial markets sparked by fears of a possible sovereign default.

The early days of the crisis that climaxed early last year were characterized by a steady retreat by lenders from any kind of risk, reflected in steadily rising rates that banks charged each other for short-term loans, which eventually moved so high that interbank lending was effectively halted.

Conditions in Canadian credit markets are still nowhere near where they were in March 2009 at the height of the storm but the widening of spreads in just about every sector is a worrying “echo of what happened,” Mr. Porter said.

The comments come after German Chancellor Angela Merkel slapped a ban on the short-selling of certain kinds of stocks and bonds, that sparked anger among other European leaders and sent equity markets into a tailspin as investors concluded the European bailout was unravelling.

The closely watched London Interbank Offered Rate climbed to the highest level in 10 months earlier this week as international banks hoarded money and investors grew more leery of risk.

Meanwhile, a U.S. Federal Reserve governor yesterday warned that the European troubles could spark another financial crisis, with credit markets freezing up around the world all over again.

“The European sovereign-debt problems are a potentially serious setback,” Daniel Tarullo said in testimony before congressional subcommittees.

But Mr. Porter said the markets have now moved beyond that and are now focused on the possibility of “a deeper global slowdown” that would result if the European issues are not contained.

As a major global economy roughly the size of the United States, Europe is a key driver of global growth and if European demand starts to fall, as is already happening, the rest of the world will feel it.

As a major global economy roughly the size of the United States, Europe is a key driver of global growth.

If European demand starts to fall, as is already happening, the rest of the world will feel it.

That includes regions such as Canada and China that have so far avoided serious recessions.

Indeed, Canada emerged largely unscathed from both the crisis and the economic downturn that followed partially because Canadian governments did a better job of handling their finances than most other countries.

But one reason for the widening of credit spreads on Canadian government debt may be that investors are starting to take a second look at the quality of that debt.

In a report titled Is Canada Really So Pristine on the Debt Front, Mark Chandler, a fixed-income strategist with RBC Dominion Securities Inc., notes that Canada is average with other major countries in terms of the size of its debt, about 83% of gross domestic product, sandwiched between Britain (78%) and the United States (93%).

As a result of being downgraded by most of the rating agencies about 15 years ago, Canada lost its appeal to many foreign investors and little Canadian debt is now held by foreign institutions, which is a good thing when credit markets are roiled.

However, Canada still faces the worry that holders of its debt may not be willing to renew, known as “roll-over risk,” and once again we are about at “the middle of the pack” internationally, Mr. Chandler says in the report released yesterday.
Read more: http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=3054501#ixzz0oYt2D0pG

25 May

Rate hike not guaranteed….Global financial chaos could override domestic factors


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

Higher than expected rates of inflation and reports of record breaking retail sales means interest rate hikes will likely go ahead, according to a top economist with BMO Capital Markets. But domestic strength might not be enough to justify increases if the upheaval in global markets continues, said Porter.

“If the (Bank of Canada’s) decision was based solely on domestic factors, then this would be no questions asked, no debate,” said Doug Porter, deputy chief economist.

The central bank has long predicted rates would rise on June 1, but Porter said doubt over the future of global economic stability could cause them to go off course.

“It would take a very brave central bank indeed, I think, to raise interest rates in the face of the turmoil we are seeing in global financial markets right now.”

According to Statistics Canada’s Consumer Price Index, the core index advanced 1.9 per cent during the 12 months leading up to April, following a 1.7 per cent increase in March.

The boost in April was due mainly to a rise in prices for the purchase of passenger vehicles, passenger vehicle insurance premiums, property taxes, and food purchased from restaurants, the report showed.

The seasonally adjusted monthly core index rose 0.2 per cent in April, following a 0.3 per cent decline in March.

Consumer prices across the country rose 1.8 per cent in the 12 months leading up to April, following a 1.4 per cent increase in March. In Ontario, prices rose 2.2 per cent.

Porter said BMO has no plans to alter their position that rates will rise on June 1, but said that position could change if market upheaval continues into next week.

“If Canada were an island there would be no debate,” said Porter. “There is a very compelling domestic case for higher interest rates.”

Statistics Canada reported a 2.1 per cent increase in retail sales dollars in March, to $37 billion. Porter said earlier reports had predicted sales would be close to flat. “Instead we get one of the best gains on record.”

National energy prices rose 9.8 per cent between April and the same time the previous year, following a 5.8 per cent increase during the 12 months between March 2010 and the same time the previous year. Excluding the increase in energy the index rose 1.1 per cent, compared with a 1 per cent increase in March.

For the sixth month in a row, gas prices exerted the strongest upward pressure on the index. In April, Canadians paid 16.3 per cent more at the pump than they did the same time the previous year. That change follows a 17.2 per cent increase between March of this year and the same time in 2009.

Natural gas prices were up 3.3 per cent in April than the same time the previous year. Between March 2010 and the same time the previous year prices had dropped 22.4 per cent.

The cost of transportation was up 6.2 per cent in the 12 months to April and consumers paid a 5.6 per cent more for insurance premiums in April compared to the previous year.

Housing costs were up 0.8 per cent, after declining 0.7 per cent in March, with household utilities exerting the most upward pressure. The mortgage cost index fell 6.1 per cent, the report showed.

Food prices were up 1 per cent, following a 1.3 per cent increase in March. The 1 per cent rise, largely related to prices for food purchased in restaurants, was the smallest since March 2008.

Health care prices rose 3.3 per cent, the report showed. http://www.thestar.com/business/article/812567–rate-hike-not-guaranteed

25 May

New rules cuff some mortgages to banks


Posted by: Steven Brouwer


A headlock would be the wrestling term to describe the hold Canadian banks will have on some consumers because of new, more strict mortgage rules.

We are already seeing the impact of the changes that came into effect on April 19, but were put in place well in advance by Canadian financial institutions. Consumers are increasingly selecting fixed-rate mortgages of five years or more because it’s easier to qualify for them.

On mortgages for terms of four years or less, including variable-rate mortgages, consumers must be able to pay based on the five-year fixed posted rate, which is now 6.1%. Go longer and you can use the rate on your contract, as low as 4.6%. No more than 32% of your gross income can cover principal and interest, property taxes and heat.

Peter Vukanovich, president of Genworth Financial Canada, the largest private provider of mortgage-default insurance, says only 5% of new high-ratio mortgages are going variable versus 15% just six months ago.

But there is another wrinkle to the new rules: Anybody shopping around for a better rate has to requalify based on their current credit situation. Stay with the same bank and there’s no check.

“It’s definitely a headlock and not a loophole because a loophole you can get out of,” says Vince Gaetano, a mortgage broker with Monster Mortgage.

There is a large percentage of Canadians who get a renewal notice from their bank and just sign on the dotted line. The Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professional has found only 22% of Canadians switch banks at renewal time. A significant portion of the remaining 78% are sheep being led around by their financial institutions.

Those looking for some choice may find what was good enough to get into the market a month ago may not meet the test today.

Consider that as recently as two years ago, consumers were able to buy a house with no money down and a 40-year amortization schedule. If that consumer was making regular monthly payments, they would have paid down only 4.7% of their principal after five years. Today, that customer would still be high ratio and subject to requalifying if they switched banks.

“It’s not all of them, but a majority of first-time buyers with just 5% down or less won’t be able to qualify if they go to another bank,” Mr. Gaetano says. Many of those buyers were qualifying based on the three-year rate – about 200 basis points lower than the current qualification rate.

If house prices went down, something many in the real estate community have suggested could happen, that would be an even bigger blow for consumers. It would mean an even larger percentage of homeowners would still be considered high ratio upon renewal because they wouldn’t meet the test of having 20% equity in their home.

Marcel Beaudry, vice-president of ING Direct, says there is no question the new rules will have an impact on consumers looking to switch banks, but noted anyone who had a 40-year amortization and changed institutions also had to requalify and there hasn’t been a huge impact.

“There will be a segment of the population tied down by the new rules to their bank,” Mr. Beaudry says.

That’s a position nobody should be in.
Read more: http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=3057768#ixzz0owPZtf4I

A headlock would be the wrestling term to describe the hold Canadian banks will have on some consumers because of new, more strict mortgage rules.

We are already seeing the impact of the changes that came into effect on April 19, but were put in place well in advance by Canadian financial institutions. Consumers are increasingly selecting fixed-rate mortgages of five years or more because it’s easier to qualify for them.

On mortgages for terms of four years or less, including variable-rate mortgages, consumers must be able to pay based on the five-year fixed posted rate, which is now 6.1%. Go longer and you can use the rate on your contract, as low as 4.6%. No more than 32% of your gross income can cover principal and interest, property taxes and heat.

Peter Vukanovich, president of Genworth Financial Canada, the largest private provider of mortgage-default insurance, says only 5% of new high-ratio mortgages are going variable versus 15% just six months ago.

But there is another wrinkle to the new rules: Anybody shopping around for a better rate has to requalify based on their current credit situation. Stay with the same bank and there’s no check.

“It’s definitely a headlock and not a loophole because a loophole you can get out of,” says Vince Gaetano, a mortgage broker with Monster Mortgage.

There is a large percentage of Canadians who get a renewal notice from their bank and just sign on the dotted line. The Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professional has found only 22% of Canadians switch banks at renewal time. A significant portion of the remaining 78% are sheep being led around by their financial institutions.

Those looking for some choice may find what was good enough to get into the market a month ago may not meet the test today.

Consider that as recently as two years ago, consumers were able to buy a house with no money down and a 40-year amortization schedule. If that consumer was making regular monthly payments, they would have paid down only 4.7% of their principal after five years. Today, that customer would still be high ratio and subject to requalifying if they switched banks.

“It’s not all of them, but a majority of first-time buyers with just 5% down or less won’t be able to qualify if they go to another bank,” Mr. Gaetano says. Many of those buyers were qualifying based on the three-year rate – about 200 basis points lower than the current qualification rate.

If house prices went down, something many in the real estate community have suggested could happen, that would be an even bigger blow for consumers. It would mean an even larger percentage of homeowners would still be considered high ratio upon renewal because they wouldn’t meet the test of having 20% equity in their home.

Marcel Beaudry, vice-president of ING Direct, says there is no question the new rules will have an impact on consumers looking to switch banks, but noted anyone who had a 40-year amortization and changed institutions also had to requalify and there hasn’t been a huge impact.

“There will be a segment of the population tied down by the new rules to their bank,” Mr. Beaudry says.

That’s a position nobody should be in.
Read more: http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=3057768#ixzz0owPZtf4I

19 May

Friday’s inflation rate expected to open door to interest rate hikes: economists


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

Canadians likely have only two weeks left to enjoy historically low interest rates.

With global markets beginning to stabilize following the recent fears over a Greek debt default, economists say the pieces are falling into place for the Bank of Canada to move off its emergency 0.25 per cent rate on June 1.

Economists — and markets — have already pencilled in a doubling of the policy rate in two weeks. But that is only a beginning say analysts who believe governor Mark Carney will keep on hiking rates through the rest of the year.

Even the TD Bank, which only a few months ago was advising Carney to wait until at least the third quarter of 2010, is now calling for an incremental hike beginning in June.

The reason, says the bank’s director of forecasting Beata Caranci, is that the Canadian economic recovery is well ahead of schedule with what looks like two consecutive quarters of five per cent and beyond growth, a jobs recovery more robust than predicted with another 109,000 added in April, and inflation — the key indicator for the central bank — heading toward two per cent.

“The bank is looking a year or year-and-a-half out, and they are looking at an output gap that is not going to be there anymore, so they’ve got to start adjusting now to get the interest rate at what would be considered more neutral,” she explained.

“And if they don’t go now, it could mean we see bigger adjustments down the road,” she added.

Higher rates are meant to slow down excessive borrowing and head off asset bubbles like an overheated housing market, which the central bank has already highlighted as a risk. Cheap money is also seen as destabilizing in the long term, much as happened in the United States in the early part of the decade and eventually led to the most recent crisis.

Economists caution that the anticipated hikes by the central bank should not be seen as an attempt to slow down activity, but merely as moving to a more traditional posture. With inflation at near two per cent, the current 0.25 per cent level is actually a negative interest rate, they note.

The TD Bank and many others believe Canada’s policy rate will hit 1.5 per cent by year’s end, more in line with inflation.

Carney gave a strong hint last month that he was preparing to move, surprising observers by dropping his year-long conditional pledge not to hike rates until at least July.

He has since added an element of doubt into expectations by noting that he considered the very act of removing the conditional commitment to have been a policy tightening measure. The rate-hiking narrative took another detour earlier this month with the recent turmoil in equity and financial markets over government debt issues in southern Europe — that added new uncertainty to the global recovery scenario.

But unless Europe again flares up in a major way, the only question remaining for Carney will likely be answered Friday with the release of April inflation data by Statistics Canada, say economists.

The consensus is that headline inflation will rise to 1.6 per cent and core underlying inflation — the index the central bank closely watches — will edge up to 1.8 per cent.

Those numbers are still below the bank’s two per cent target but economists say they are worried because inflation is digging in at a time when the economy is still operating far below capacity, and at a time when the Canadian dollar is near parity.

That is not the case in the U.S., where inflation is actually heading south and could once again approach zero by year’s end.

“Even with the current volatility in financial markets, the Canadian story remains intact as underlying fundamentals continue to improve alongside strong corporate and household balance sheets,” write Scotiabank economists Derek Holt and Karen Cordes Woods in forecasting an interest rate hike.

Bank of Montreal economist Douglas Porter says there is still a chance Carney will wait until July 20, or even later, especially if the European crisis threatens to leak into North American credit markets, or if there’s a big downward surprise in underlying inflation Friday.

Increasing rates in Canada, especially since the U.S. is likely to keep its policy rate at zero until 2011, will put added upward pressure on the Canadian dollar, which will further depress the country’s manufacturing and exporting sectors.

But Caranci believes the dollar impact will be minor, because markets have already priced in several moves by Carney ahead of the U.S. And the loonie’s recent dip below parity to about 96 cents US has partly removed an important impediment to act on rates for the Bank of Canada, she adds. http://ca.news.finance.yahoo.com/s/18052010/2/biz-finance-friday-s-inflation-rate-expected-open-door-interest.html

18 May

Feds want tighter rules to ground fly-by-night movers


Posted by: Steven Brouwer

The federal government is putting the moves on movers.

Industry Canada wants to tighten the rules for moving companies after a deluge of complaints from consumers who say they’ve been ripped off by crooked operators.

Armed with a cellphone and a Kijiji or Craigslist ad on the Internet, scam artists are preying on Canadians looking for cheap moving help, says the department.

“Complaints include holding furniture hostage at the destination until consumers pay more than the original estimate and producing new hidden costs such as packaging,” says an internal document.

“In some cases, the belongings are not delivered but are dumped or remain in warehouses and storage facilities. Consumers in this market are particularly vulnerable to such practices because of the ability of movers to confiscate or ransom their belongings.”

The Consumer Measures Committee, a federal-provincial group run by Industry Canada, launched a project last July to better monitor the household moving sector by analyzing consumer complaints.

“This work is in the very early stages of development and findings are not yet available,” department spokesman Michael Hammond said.

Regulation of the moving sector is largely a provincial responsibility, even though some moves cross provincial boundaries. Eight provinces have highway traffic legislation that governs the household-goods moving trade, with Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador the exceptions.

Many provinces also have consumer protection laws, as does the federal government.

But industry players contacted by the committee in the last few months say officials want to end that patchwork coverage by harmonizing laws, regulations and practices across the country.

The 2006 census of Canada found that 1.2 million households had moved in the last five years. Some estimates say Canadians change addresses an average of 13 times through their lifetimes.

And the Canadian Council of Better Business Bureaus says complaints about movers were No. 7 on its Top 10 list of consumer beefs in 2009. Just over half of the 636 formal complaints about moving firms last year were settled.

An Industry Canada briefing note, obtained under the Access to Information Act, suggests about one of every four moves generates a consumer complaint.

The head of Canada’s largest industry group, the Canadian Association of Movers, supports harmonization but says the best protection for consumers is education.

“You have people having all their life possessions destroyed, stolen, rifled through, held for ransom, overcharged,” president John Levi said in an interview from the group’s Mississauga, Ont., headquarters.

But even with tougher regulations “there’s no government agency out there that can help you in a timely fashion.”

Consumers are understandably intimidated by large men suddenly demanding more cash before unloading the truck, Levi said.

“There’s sufficient legislation and regulation in place — if it were enforced.”

The best defence is to do some research, he said.

The mover’s association — with about 200 members, including big operators like Atlas, Allied, Mayflower, United, North American — certifies its firms after checking their standards and reputations, and having them sign a code of ethics.

The Better Business Bureau as well as Industry Canada posts consumer checklists and advice on moving on their websites. A joint consumer tips release is also planned shortly by the movers’ association and the business bureau.

Better Business Bureaus across Canada fielded almost 98,000 inquiries about moving companies last year, the second-most common query after consumer questions about roofing contractors.
